Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Week of Surprise!

My mom came over the other day a stay at my aunt house. I'm going to scope over this evening. I don't know myb it's a good thing and may not. but i find that I'm deep in my own mind, not really planning anything to go out with her. just want to stay at home and just chit chat a bit.

Enough about my mom. (Of course she don't know sho i really am.)

This week are week full of surprises, from the TV I mean. I have Tivo most of the TV show. Like Kyle XY and Supernatural and Criminal Minds and Smallville. all of my old and new favourite like Gossip Girl and Reaper.
I love them all.

and I find that after there is internet there's plenty of space for a lot of unexpected things. Like my study on "The Secret" have now led me to Bob Doyle and a book called A Happy Pocket Full Of Money.

And I find all these amazing Person.

did anyone of you know that Matt Dalles have some charity going on the side while in his busy acting life.

Actually when you look at it, TV drama acting have a schedule, pretty organized really, just that It's 24/7 kinda job. you get time of when the story don't have your role in it. but you want to be in every episode.

So Still it's a job that consume time. so whatever charity they did I mean to me is great. as i am before this, I've done no charity at all and i have a 9-5 job. so that says a lot.

well, besides that It's agreat place to meet ppl too. some say that the person you met online isn't really who they are in real life. but on the other hand I think a lot of ppl reveal their inner self in the internet than they would in "reality". so the question is which one is real?
The Answer to that I think is both isn't it? when the identity online is identify with a physical being, It's real. and If not connected, It's by it self is as real as the spiritual being of the person. Just like reality, what you didn't say doesn't mean it's not you. nor does it means anything when you say it. so the cutting point is how other actually look at the matter. and how they percieve it. that makes a lot
of different when 2 person are with the same other.

Enough Philosophy, It's a thanksgiving day. and I wish all have time to g back and spend some quality time with their family, and for those who is not I hope you'll find someone worthy to spend it with and here I send you a bunch of eye candy as my greatest gift this holiday. Enjoy

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